SP 2020 socialization to Wates village - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Magelang Municipality


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SP 2020 socialization to Wates village

SP 2020 socialization to Wates village

January 23, 2020 | Other Activities

A visit to the Wates City of Magelang Urban Village was held to socialize the 2020 Population Census on Thursday, January 23, 2020.

This visit intends to provide socialization related to SP2020 to the village of Wates and their staff in order to convey the information to the local community. In addition, in this visit also conveyed the plan for the activities of the District Level Coordination Meeting (Rakorcam) in the framework of the implementation of SP2020, where the Village Head was one of the invited participants. From this activity it is hoped that the Village Head and his staff will encourage the public to participate in the online census and interview census.
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