BPS Magelang City's efforts towards excellent public services - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Magelang Municipality


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Dalam rangka peningkatan kualitas data dan pelayanan publik BPS Kota Magelang, mohon partisipasi Bapak/Ibu dalam Survei Kebutuhan Data (SKD) 2024 pada tautan ini

BPS Magelang City's efforts towards excellent public services

BPS Magelang City's efforts towards excellent public services

September 11, 2024 | Other Activities

Wednesday, 11 September 2024, at Trio Front One Resort Magelang, BPS City of Magelang held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Public Service Standards for 2024. This activity apart from presenting 2 (two) resource persons, namely the Head of the Representative of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia (ORI) Java Tengah, Siti Farida, and Chair of the Central Java Provincial Information Commission, Indra Ashoka Mahendrayana, also presented OPD and related agencies, as well as Head of Villages throughout Magelang City as participants.

There were several focuses of the discussion presented, including that realizing excellent public services requires consistent and sustainable efforts, a transformation of systems and governance, as well as a change in the mindset and work culture of the bureaucracy, from a culture of being happy to be served to a culture of service.

With the principles of Easy, Cheap and Fast, the Head of ORI Central Java hopes that the standard of service to the public will be increasingly excellent and high quality.

Apart from the interactive discussion, on the same occasion the Public Service Standards Minutes were also signed by Bapperida of Magelang City, Diskominsta of Magelang City, DPMP4KB, Disperpa, Disperpusip of Magelang City, Disdukcapil, Tidar University, as well as the Mass Media.
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