Coordination of Sustainability Program for Cantik Tidar Selatan Subdistrict - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Magelang Municipality


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Coordination of Sustainability Program for Cantik Tidar Selatan Subdistrict

Coordination of Sustainability Program for Cantik Tidar Selatan Subdistrict

September 30, 2024 | Other Activities

On Monday (30/9), the Head of BPS Magelang City, Aluisius Abrianta together with the Cantik Village Development Team took the time to visit Tidar Selatan Village. This visit was in the context of coordination regarding the sustainability of the Love Statistics (Cantik) Village Program in South Tidar in 2024.

As one of the subdistricts that has won the Top 25 and 20 National Best Statistics Love Villages/Subdistricts awards 2022/2023, Tidar Selatan has become a reference or pilot project for other subdistricts and villages in terms of increasing statistical literacy and data management. Therefore, the Head of BPS Magelang City hopes that the achievements achieved by Tidar Selatan can continue to be maintained.

In line with this, the Head of South Tidar Village, Danang Kurniawan, welcomed what was conveyed by the Head of BPS Magelang City.
Danang also hopes that collaboration and assistance in Cantik Village activities can continue to be good and sustainable.
According to Danang, with quality data, development policies will be more focused and on target.
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