Working Visits of BPS Pekalongan City - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Magelang Municipality


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Working Visits of BPS Pekalongan City

Working Visits of BPS Pekalongan City

October 31, 2024 | Other Activities

On Thursday (31/10) BPS Magelang City received a working visit from BPS Pekalongan City. The Sectoral Statistics Development Team led by Hayu Wuranti, was well received by the Head of BPS Magelang City, Aluisius Abrianta and his staff.

Some of the things discussed included tips for optimizing the role of BPS in implementing Sectoral Statistics Development.

On the same occasion, BPS Magelang City also tried to gain knowledge related to the implementation of Bureaucratic Reform that has been carried out by BPS Pekalongan City in order to achieve the WBBM predicate.

With this activity, it is hoped that both BPS Magelang City and Pekalongan City can continue to improve the competence of their employees in terms of Sectoral Statistics Development.
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