SP 2020 socialization to Deputy Mayor of Magelang - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Magelang Municipality


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SP 2020 socialization to Deputy Mayor of Magelang

SP 2020 socialization to Deputy Mayor of Magelang

January 20, 2020 | Other Activities

A visit was made to the Deputy Mayor of Magelang City in the context of socializing the 2020 Population Census on January 20, 2020.

This visit intends to provide socialization related to SP2020 to the Deputy Mayor and his staff, as well as the submission of strategic indicator reports and poverty data for the City of Magelang.

The deputy mayor and his staff are ready to support the implementation of the 2020 Population Census, including facilitating planned outreach activities through several events. Among them, traveling cars, idle apples, radio broadcasts.

The deputy mayor and his staff highly appreciated the population census activities, especially the hope that there would be no more differences in population data between agencies.
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