SP 2020 socialization to Magelang 1 High School - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Magelang Municipality


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SP 2020 socialization to Magelang 1 High School

SP 2020 socialization to Magelang 1 High School

January 22, 2020 | Other Activities

The implementation of the SP2020 socialization at SMAN 1 Magelang was broadly divided into two activities, namely the presentation of the SP2020 socialization material and taking documentation in the form of pictures / videos of students to support SP2020. The documentation will later be disseminated through social media that has been used by BPS Kota Magelang. With the spread of information on the support of students of SMAN 1 on the implementation of SP2020, it is hoped that it can drive the participation of citizens of Magelang City so that the implementation of SP2020 in Magelang City can run smoothly and successfully.

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