SP 2020 socialization to the Population and Civil Registry Office of Magelang City - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Magelang Municipality


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SP 2020 socialization to the Population and Civil Registry Office of Magelang City

SP 2020 socialization to the Population and Civil Registry Office of Magelang City

February 5, 2020 | Other Activities

The socialization of the 2020 population census was carried out to village officials, RW officials and RT officials in Magelang City on February 5, 2020. This activity was carried out in an integrated manner in a meeting forum organized by the Magelang City Population and Civil Registry Office. In this forum, BPS Kota Magelang was given a separate session to deliver the 2020 Population Census.

This visit intends to provide socialization related to SP2020 to the kelurahan, RW management and RT management in Magelang City. Thus, they are expected to be able to convey this information to the level below it.
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